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Stata 18

Stata is a complete, integrated software package that provides all your data science needs – data manipulation, visualization, statistics and automated reporting.

Support: create a service request at


    1. Get the software here, using the Iscte account credentials (e.g., and their password).

    2. Select the “Windows (64-bit)” folder and click “Download“.

    3. Confirm that you have obtained the “SetupStata18.exe” and “STATA.LIC” files.


  1. Get the software here, using the Iscte account credentials (e.g., and their password).

  2. Select the “MAC OS” folder and click “Download“. Authorize downloading by clicking “Allow“.

  3. Confirm that you have obtained the “Stata18.dmg” and “STATA.LIC” files


    1. Run the installation file “SetupStata18.exe“.
    2. In the “Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for Stata18” window, click “Next“.

    3. Choose the option “I accept the terms in the license agreement” and click “Next“.

    4. Choose the option “Anyone who uses this computer (all users)” and click “Next“.

    5. Choose the “StataSE” option and click “Next“.

    6. Click “Next“.

    7. Choose the option “Use each user´s documents folder” and click “Next“.

    8. Click “Install“.

    9. Click “Finish“.


    1. Run the installation file “Stata18.dmg“.
    2. In the window “Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for Stata18“, click “Next“.
    3. Choose the option “I accept the terms in the license agreement” and click “Next“.
    4. Choose the option “Anyone who uses this computer (all users)” and click “Next“.
    5. Choose the “StataSE” option and click “Next“.
    6. Click “Next“.
    7. Choose the option “Use each user´s documents folder” and click “Next“.
    8. Click “Install“.
    9. Click “Finish“.



    1. Copy the file “STATA.LIC” to the folder “C\Program Files\Stata18“.
    2. Run STATA to confirm that the program has been properly installed/licensed.
    3. License renewal: copy the file STATA.LIC (which is in the same location) and replace the previous license file.


    1. Copy the file “STATA.LIC” to the folder Stata18.
    2. Run STATA to confirm that the program has been properly installed/licensed.
    3. License renewal: copy the file STATA.LIC (which is in the same location) and replace the previous license file.