If you have Iscte account credentials in the format xxnes@iscte-iul.pt and the related password, click on “login.iscte-iul.pt” and authenticate using the Iscte account credentials (e.g. xxnes and the related password).
If you don’t have credentials in the format described in the previous point, fill in the “Username” and “Password” fields and click on “Login“.
Competence unit: Name used when a teaching unit is created in the Fénix system, anchored in a scientific area and without also integrating any curriculum of a course. When it is associated with a curriculum of a course it takes the designation of curricular unit.
Curricular unit: According to DL No. 74/2006, it is a teaching unit with its own training objectives that is the subject of administrative registration and evaluation translated into a final classification.
Implementation unit: Refers to the execution of a curricular unit in a certain academic period, when associated with a curriculum of a course. For example, the curricular unit “Introduction to Informatics“, in the 1st semester, of the 1st curricular year of the Degree in Telecommunications and Informatics Engineering, of the academic year 2012/2013.
Shift: A shift is a set of classes of a certain type (laboratory, theoretical, theoretical-practical, etc.). during the academic period of a curricular unit.