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      • Protection against hardware failure: Devices such as hard drives, USB flash drives and memory cards can fail at any time, resulting in the loss of all the data stored on them. With regular backups, you can recover this data in the event of a failure.
      • Protection against cyber attacks: Cyber attacks such as viruses and malware can damage or destroy important data. With regular backups, you can recover this data if it is affected by a cyber attack.
      • Protection against human error: Sometimes human error can lead to the loss of important data, such as accidental deletion of files. With regular backups, you can recover this data in case of an error.


    1. Right-click on the Onedrive icon, usually located in the right corner of the taskbar.

    2. Click on  “Help & Settings“.

    3. Then choose the “Settings” option.

    4. Go to the ‘Backup’ tab and click on the ‘Manage backup’ button.

    5. Click “Start backup“.

    6. To track the progress of the backup, click the “View sync progress” button.

    7. At the end of the process, the “All files are up to date” window will appear. Click “Close“.

    8. To unback a particular folder, go to Onedrive > Settings > Backup > Update Folders and select the folder you want. Then click “Stop protection”.