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Support for Research

Iscte researchers have at their disposal a wide range of support services.


Research Support Software (Campus Licensing):

      • AMOS – Allows the use of structural equation modelling (SEM) to test hypotheses
      • Autodesk – Free access to educational software
      • Eviews – Access to forecasting and statistical modelling tools
      • IBM SkillsBuild
      • Intel – Includes software development toolkits
      • Limesurvey – Allows you to create online forms and surveys
      • Matlab – Numerical computing and programming software
      • Microsoft Azure – Software, including Windows 10, Microsoft Visio and Microsoft Project
      • Office365 – Microsoft’s suite of applications
      • Qualtrics – Data collection products for academic research
      • R – Computational statistics software
      • SPSS – Advanced statistical analysis
      • Stata – Statistical software
      • think-cell
      • Find out more sobre Software


    • Research Connect – Database dedicated to national and international funding opportunities
    • Overton – Search index of policy papers, guidelines, think-tank publications and working papers
    • Scopus – Database of abstracts and citations of publications
    • Web of Science – Platform for integrated access to a database of bibliographical references and citation indexes
    • b-on – Permanent unlimited access to thousands of scientific journals and ebooks


Research Support Tools

      • Clearooms – Booking system for desks and meeting rooms in Building 4
      • Colibri/Zoom – Videoconference Service
      • Educast – Video management service
      • Filesender – Sending and temporary storage of large files
      • NAU – Online education and training platform for large audiences
      • Online Learning – Video lesson platform promoted by LLCT Iscte
      • Videocast – Service of video transmission, audio and slides in real time
      • Find out more about Collaboration and Knowledge


Research Data Management


Internal Information Systems

      • Ciência-IUL – Iscte’s science and research management portal
      • I-Meritus – Portal for the performance evaluation of Iscte teachers and researchers
      • Fénix + – Platform for managing the teaching and learning process
      • MyIscte – Iscte´s Intranet
      • iAjuda – Iscte’s IT services management platform


      • CiênciaID – Identification and individual and permanent authentication for citizens carrying out scientific activities in Portugal
      • ORCID – System to generate individual and permanent identification
      • ROR – Persistent identification for the institution


    • Sites – Web hosting of projects, conferences and events
    • Equipment – Housing for teaching and research equipment


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