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Iscte User Account

SIIC assigns user accounts to Iscte community.


For users of type fenix010101

    1. Go to and choose “EN” interface.
    2. Cick on “I can’t login”.

    3. Fill in the fields “Username“, “Email” (an email address from an account outside the Iscte that must be registered in the Fénix system), check “I´m not a robot” and click on “Submit“.

    4. Go to -> “MyFenix” -> “Other Services” -> “Ativate Account“.

    5. Set a new password (verify password requirements).

    6. Click on “Submit“, to get Iscte’s username (like 

      The Iscte username allows access to the institutional email and the ‘Okta’ platform.

    7. Okta sends a notification to your personal email address (see image below):

    8. Click on “Ativar Conta do Okta“.
    9. Set a new password and add a mobile phone number.

    10. Select an image and click on “Create My Account“.

      TIP: Access to Iscte’s internal information systems and Office 365 will be available 48 hours after the account is activated. The page to authenticate and access the applications is:


For users of tipy tipo

    1. Check your personal mailbox to see if you have received a notification from Okta.

    2. Click “Ativate Okta Account“.
    3. Set a new password and add a mobile phone number.

    4. Select an image and click on “Create my account“.

      TIP: Access to Iscte’s internal information systems and Office 365 will be available 48 hours after the account is activated. The page to authenticate and access the applications is:


The account is personal and non-transferable. By way of example, the user Xisto Ximenes has the following credentials:

Email address: (student) / (employee)
Password: Senha.2024


The Iscte account password must comply with the following requirements:

      • Must be at least 10 characters long.
      • You should not reuse an old password.
      • It must not contain your username (excluding the suffix) or any of its used names, excluding particles that are less than three characters long.
      • It should not contain characters considered illegal (;, , ‘%, *, blank).
      • It must contain characters from at least three of the following categories:
        • Capitals not accented (‘A’ to ‘Z’).
        • Lowercase not accented (‘a’ to ‘z’).
        • Decimal digits (‘0’ to ‘9’).
        • Non-alphanumeric characters (!#&, etc.).


In order to recorver your password, please perform the following steps:

    1. Go to
    2. Click on “Precisa de ajuda para aceder?“.

    3. Follow the link “Esqueceu-se da palavra-passe?“.

    4. Fill in the field “Email or Username.

    5. Press “Reconfigurar via e-mail” / “Reset via Email“.

    6. Access your personal e-mail account. You should have received an automatic message from <>.
    7. Click on “Redefina a senha” / “Reset password“.

    8. Type a new password your password and then click “Redefinir senha” / “Reset password“.


    • Passwords must be confidential.
    • Do not keep passwords on paper or in visible places.
    • Change passwords regularly, even on systems that do not require you to do so.
    • Do not save automatically in systems (e.g. browsers).
    • Don’t use the same passwords in academic and personal contexts.
    • To create a secure password, think of an easy-to-remember phrase and then define a method for turning that phrase into a password.

For example:

Phrase: how to set a secure password in 2024!

Method: first letter of each word, third word in capitals, use only the last two digits of numbers and keep special characters.

Password: htSETasp24! (Do not use this example).