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PhD Examinations Room





  1. Connect the computer to the wireless network (eduroam).
  2. Connect the USB/USB-C cable available on the candidate’s desk to your computer.
  3. Use the control system on the candidate´s desk to turn on|off the video projector and camera and to adjust the sound volume.
  4. In hybrid sessions, use the P1, P2, P3 or P4 buttons to switch between four preset shooting scenarios.

Tip 1: If the computer image does not appear on the screen, you should install the “DisplayLink USB Graphics” driver and give it the appropriate authorizations.

Tip 2: In hybrid sessions (e.g. Zoom, Teams), the microphones and speakers of the other computers must be muted.


Button 1 – Liga e desliga o videoprojetor.

Button 2 – Liga e desliga a câmara de vídeo.

Buttons 3 e 4 – Regulam o volume do som.




Button P1 – It captures almost the entire examinations room.

Button P2 – It captures approximately half of the examinations room.

Button P3 – It essentially captures the candidate´s seat.

Button P4 – It captures the whiteboard with better definition.

  • Schedule a test session no later than 48 hours before the date/time of the PhD examinations. To do this, contact the 3rd Cycle Unit, which will also provide the “Testing Guide”.

  • On the date/time of the testing session, arrive at the PhD Examinations Room (Ed4-B228) 15 minutes early.
    1. Start preparing for the tests by copying all the documents needed for the tests onto the desktop of the classroom laptop.
    2. Open all the documents needed to take the tests.
    3. Open the email sent by the 3rd Cycle Unit with the link to the meeting.
    4. Open the “Testing Guide”.
    5. Turn on the room’s video projector using button 1 on the control system located on the candidate’s desk.

    6. Switch on the room’s video camera using button 2 on the control system located on the candidate’s desk.

  • Joining the PhD Examinations meeting.
  • Test the audio (speakers and microphones).
  • Test the video.
  • Test content sharing.
  • Test all links to web pages referenced in the presentation.
  • Test all the videos and audio referenced in the presentation.
  1. Click on the link of invitation sent by e-mail by the 3rd Cycle Unit.
  2. Click on “Open Zoom Meetings“.

  3. Click on “Join with computer audio“.


  1. Open the Zoom desktop client.
  2. Choose the “Join a meeting” option.
  3. Enter the meeting ID and “Your name“.

  4. Click on “Join“.
  5. If necessary, “Start the video” and click on “Join” again.
  6. Select “Join with computar audio“.

  7. Wait for permission to enter the meeting, which will be given by the host (a member of the 3rd Cycle Unit).
  1. Click on the “Mute / Enable audio” button on the meeting controls toolbar to mute or unmute the mic.
  2. Next to the “Mute / Enable audio” button, click on the “up arrow” icon and choose the last option: “Audio Settings…“, to test the speakers and microphones in the room.

  3. Confirm that the room speakers (“T-pod Air Pro Dual“) are selected by default and click on “Test speakers“.

  4. Confirm that you hear a test tone from the speakers in the room. Adjust the volume by moving the corresponding button to the left (decrease) or right (increase). To end the test, click on “Stop“.

  5. Confirm that the room microphones (“T-Pod Air Pro Dual“) are selected by default and click on the “Test Mic” button.

  6. To start testing the microphones, click on “Recording“.

  7. Zoom starts recording the audio in the room. To do this, simulate a presentation by saying a few words. After a few seconds, Zoom will play back what has been recorded. During recording, you can check the input level. As with the speakers, you can adjust the pickup volume of the microphones by moving the corresponding button to the left (decrease) or right (increase).
  8. Close the “Settings” window.

Find out more about Colibri/Zoom

  1. Click on the “Start video / Stop video” button on the meeting controls toolbar to start or stop your video camera.
  2. Next to the “Start video / Stop video” button, click on the “up arrow” icon and choose the last option: “Video Settings…“, to test the room’s video camera.

  3. Confirm that the room video camera (“Cute 12X AI“) is selected by default.

  4. Close the “Settings” window.

Find out more about Colibri/Zoom

The PowerPoint presenter view shows you the current slide, the next slide and your notes.

  1. Access the PowerPoint file.
  2. Select the “Slide Show” tab.
  3. Select the “Use Presenter View” checkbox.

  4. Select on which monitor you want to display the “Presenter View”: “Automatic“.

  5. Select “From Beginning” or press F5.

  6. Access the Zoom meeting window by maximizing it.
    Click on the “Share Screen” button on the meeting controls toolbar.

  7. Choose “Screen 2“. ATTENTION: If the presentation involves playing multimedia content (audio and video) you must select the “Share sound” option, located in the bottom left-hand corner.

  8. At the end of the presentation, click on “Stop Share

Find out more about Colibri/Zoom

  1. Access the PowerPoint file.
  2. Select the “Slide Show” tab.
  3. Select the “Use Presenter View” checkbox.

  4. Select on which monitor you want to display the “Presenter View”: “Automatic“.

  5. Select “From Beginning” or press F5.

  6. Access the Zoom meeting window by maximizing it.
  7. Click on the “Share Screen” button on the meeting controls toolbar.

  8. Choose “Powerpoint Slide Show” and click on “Share”. ATTENTION: If the presentation involves playing multimedia content (audio and video) you must select the “Share sound” option, located in the bottom left-hand corner.

  9. At the end of the presentation, click on “Stop Share“.

Find out more about Colibri/Zoom

  1. Access the PDF file, preferably using Acrobat Reader.
  2. Press the CTRL and L (CTRL+L) keys simultaneously to activate the presentation view.
  3. Click on the “Share Screen” button on the meeting controls toolbar.

  4. Choose “PDF” and click on “Share“. ATTENTION: If the presentation involves playing multimedia content (audio and video) you must select the “Share sound” option, located in the bottom left-hand corner.

  5. At the end of the presentation, click on “Stop Share“.

Find out more about Colibri/Zoom

  1. Click on the “Participants” button on the meeting controls toolbar.

  2. Hover over your name and click on the ellipsis ““.

  3. Click on “Rename”.

  4. Type your name and click on “Change”.

Find out more about Colibri/Zoom

  1. SOS – Call (+351) 911749573
  2. Open a request at iAjuda

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