Enter your Iscte username (e.g. xxnes@iscte-iul.pt) and click “Next“.
Click on “Forgot password?“.
Select the “Email” option to receive a password recovery e-mail to your personal e-mail address.
Note: The ‘Phone’ method is temporarily unavailable.
Click on the ‘Send me an email’ button.
Access your personal email account (which you have added to Okta).
You will receive an automatic e-mail to your personal e-mail address from <noreply.login@iscte-iul.pt>, where you should click on the “Reset password” button.
Please note: The password reset link is only valid for 5 minutes.
A new login.iscte-iul.pt window will open in the default browser. Immediately change your password and then click on the “Reset password” button.