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Last Updated: 03/02/2022

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Service level agreement (

An agreement between an IT service provider and a customer. THE ANS describes the IT service, documents service-level goals, and specifies the responsibilities of the IT service provider and the customer. A single ANS can cover multiple IT services or multiple clients. See operational level agreement.

Operational level agreement

An agreement between an IT service provider and another part of the same organization. One YEAR supports the provision of IT services from the IT service provider to its customers. THE YEAR defines the products or services to be provided and the responsibilities of both parties. For example, there may be a YEAR between the IT service provider and the purchasing department to obtain hardware within an agreed time frame; there may be a YEAR between the service center and a support group to provide incident resolutions within an agreed time frame. See service level agreement.



Incident Catalog

The Iscte IT Incident Catalog is available on the “SIIC Services Portal” accessible in


The single point of contact between the service provider and users. A typical service center generates incidents, service requests, and also communication with users.

Service catalog

A structured database or document with information about all IT services in production, including those available for deployment.

The Iscte IT Services Catalog is available on the “SIIC Services Portal” accessible on





Incident management

The process responsible for managing the lifecycle of all incidents. The main purpose of incident management is to restore IT service to users as quickly as possible.

Incident management (registration, monitoring, resolution and evaluation) is carried out in the “SIIC Services Portal” accessible in




An unplanned outage of an IT service or a reduction in the quality of an IT service. A failure of a configuration item that has not yet impacted an IT service is also an incident. For example: The failure of a hard drive from a mirrored disk set.


The time during which a configuration item or IT service is not available during the agreed service time. The availability of an IT service is typically calculated from the agreed service time and its unavailability.






Activities or processes that have been proven to have been successful when used in multiple organizations. ITIL is an example of best practice.

Instant Messaging

Instant messaging (IM) is a type of text-based communication in which two or more people participate in a real-time conversation through computers or mobile devices.





A request for information, advice, a standard change, or access to an IT service by a user. For example, to reset a password or to be provided with a set of standardized IT services to a new user.

Service requests are generally handled by the service center and do not require the opening of a change request (PDA). View order satisfaction.

Iscte IT service requests must be registered in the “SIIC Services Portal” accessible on

See here how to request a service request on the “SIIC Services Portal“.




The Science, Technology and Society Network (RCTS) is the digital connectivity and computing infrastructure, aimed at the Research and Teaching community.


RCTSaai is integrated into the RCTS identity federation and allows the use of a single key to access all RCTSaai services.


A record containing the details of an incident. Each incident log documents the lifecycle of a single incident.


Satisfaction of
request fulfilment

The process responsible for managing the lifecycle of all service requests.

Iscte IT service requests are managed in the “SIIC Services Portal” accessible on

IT service

A service provided to one or more customers by an IT service provider. An IT service is based on the use of information technologies and supports customer business processes. An IT service consists of a combination of people, processes, and technologies that must be defined through a service level agreement.



The use of technology for the storage, communication or processing of information. The technology typically includes computers, telecommunications, applications, and other software. Information can include business data, voice, images, video, etc. Information technology is often used to support business processes through IT services.


A shift is a set of classes of a certain type (laboratory, theoretical, theoretical-practical, etc.). during the academic period of a curricular unit.


Competence unit

Title used when a teaching unit is created in the Fénix system, anchored in a scientific area and without also integrating any curriculum plan of a course. When it is associated with a curriculum of a course it takes the designation of curricular unit.

Curricular unit

According to DL No 74/2006, it is a teaching unit with its own training objectives which is subject to administrative registration and evaluation translated into a final classification.

Execution unit

It refers to the execution of a curricular unit in a given academic period, when associated with a curriculum of a course. For example, the curricular unit Introduction to Informatics, in the 1st semester, of the 1st curricular year of the Degree in Telecommunications and Informatics Engineering, of the academic year 2012/2013.


It is an assessment of how quickly it is necessary to resolve an incident, problem or change in order to mitigate its impact on the business. For example, a high impact incident can be classified as a low urgency if it does not affect the business in the medium or long term. Impact and urgency are used to calculate priority.


A person who uses IT service in their day-to-day life. Users are different from customers because some customers do not use the IT service directly.


If you would like detailed information, please contact us.